Friday, April 25, 2008

Rock Me Amadeus

I know, bad joke. Did anyone watch 30 Rock last night? Am I the only one who watches that show? Well, last night's episode had a hilarious send-up of Amadeus, one of my all-time favorite movies. It was brilliant. Especially the montage set to the Confutatis part of the Requiem.

I just think it's awesome that this movie is older than I am, and people still think it's joke-worthy. I hope that 30 Rock's main audience gets the joke. Add the direct references to Amadeus to talking about the Uncanny Valley with regard to video game porn, and it makes for one genius episode.

Mozart would be so proud that his legacy gets to live on in Tina Fey's brainchild. Dr. Spaceman running in slow motion through the halls of 30 Rock in a long, flowing black cape is the climax of the show for me. Brilliant. Simply brilliant.

Brava Ms. Fey; I will probably go see Baby Mama if only because of this episode.

Check it out here: Succession


LibraryLia said...

i was so nerdy-stoked when they referenced uncanny valley

i am a huge geek haha

Cristina said...

ha ha! ME TOO! I squealed when he pulled out the chart!