Monday, June 30, 2008

I Swear, This is What They Do

Given my propensity for attracting random visitors to my blog, I feel the need to say no intervention is necessary. Cristina's not going to kill herself. Or continue to speak in the third person ever again. Yikes. I was doing a satire of what many young people (coughemokidscough) use blogs for. (Although saying it probably guts the joke.) It was lots of fun to write. I'm glad the nameless haiku of my unfathomable inner torment was appreciated. And now, on to more fun things!

My cats are characters, aren't they? They should have their own reality show based on their apartment adventures when I'm not around. In fact, this is what it would be like:

Exit Food Slave.

Gus: Hey, she's gone. Where do you think she goes? I don't think she gave me enough attention earlier. Why does she always pay so much more attention to you, anyway?
Nubs: Buh? I don't think she...OH SHINY MOUSE SHINY MOUSE SHINY MOUSE! I WILL GET YOU. Hey, where'd you go?
Gus: You're not so special. Just because you can't get on the bed like I can, doesn't mean she should pay more attention to you. I keep having to remind her that I'm here. She doesn't get up until 7:30 anyway, so why shouldn't she spend time scratching my ears? I've seen your ploy to get her attention, Little Miss I-Only-Have-Half-of-a-Back-Leg-so-I-Can't-Scratch-My-Own-Ear. It's all about you, isn't it? And your stupid gimpy name.
Nubs: Hey, I didn't name myself. The humans thought it would be funny. Hey, wait, where'd you go? You went into my blind spot. What have I told you about that? And, I really can't scratch my own ear! You're just too codependent. Don't project your personal issues onto me.
Gus: That's it. I'm going to go eat your food.
Nubs: NOOO! Gah! Death from below!
Gus: Grr, nooo! I will bite your tail off. I swear, I will bite it off.
Nubs: Just you try! Headlock! Headlock! I have you now! Come on, say it. Say it!
Gus: No, I won't. I won't. Aah, okay, can't breathe. Spine twisting. Okay fine, MERCY. MERCY. There, are you happy?
Nubs: Haha! I win!
Gus: You're a freak with that deathgrip. Why are you so strong?
Nubs: I'm not strong--you're just a wuss.
Gus: Shut up. Your stupid fur got all mussed up. C'mere. Lemme fix it.
Nubs: Thanks! Oh, that feels good, man. You're not coming on to me are you?
Gus: Nope. Haven't felt anything like that since we went to the vet that one time. We're just good buds.
Nubs: We have a complicated relationship, don't we?
Gus: No less so than those other cats at the first food slave's place. Hey, if we work together we can get those awesome food thingies she keeps on top of that box, which she uses to warm up her poison water. In the food room. Let's do it before she gets back.
Nubs: Okay! How do we---THERE YOU ARE! You thought you could hide from me, Shiny Mouse. But now I have you cornered. I'm going to do a waltz of victory with you around the nap stand in the middle of the room! YOU ARE MINE!
Gus: Forget it. I'm going to go take a nap in my new cave under her sleeping place. Wake me if you find out how to get from the water spout to the cold box. That's the biggest hurdle.

I could go on for hours, so I should stop now. Maybe I should try to market this to one of the networks. Bravo would only buy it if Gus were gay, but I bet Animal Planet would be interested. Hmm...imagine the possibilities!

Friday, June 27, 2008

A la Emo

It's me again. Do any of you even care? Are any of you even reading this? I have just been sitting here slowly dying at my computer again, my moribund body barely summoning the willpower to get another cup of coffee. Same old weekday, I guess. The color of the text represents MY SOUL.

It's weird, sitting here in my little pod, while updating crap that nobody should ever care about. God, they're all just like drones waiting for rewards from the hive mother, who is really only keeping them around to eat them for afternoon tea. I'm the only one who knows the truth. We are all alone here. All the paralegals in their little offices, and the assistants at their little desks. Chained to the electronic pyre that we call Outlook. Pass me the torch. We're all pathetic, and sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who can tell. What's the point? I HAVE TO BLEED JUST TO KNOW I'M ALIVE.

Life is the same old crap as usual. I work in my little box, watching stupid sunbathers, who probably have never had to work a day in their lives. They're all so happy and blonde. I hate them. I used to wish that I was like them, but now I know so much about the world outside of my own selfish interests, and can't stomach the thought of living in that mindless void. Not when I've got a void of my own creation. A shell. God, I'm so alone in this dark, unfeeling, callous, sadistic, depraved world.

I wonder if they'd even notice if I didn't show up on Monday. Or if I just didn't talk for the whole day. Maybe on Mondays I can just subscribe to a code of silence. Like a monk. An apathy monk. One who will wound you with her contemptuous sneer. Of doom. Always, of doom. Nothing can be a promise, but eventual destruction. Oh, I need new clothes; I should go to American Apparel.

And now, a haiku to best express my inner anguish:

Always sturm und drang
Mindless agony swirling
constantly pained mind.

Excuse me, I have to go weep my torment away. Not that anyone cares.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Still Waters

are only guaranteed to be stagnant! And usually rancid.

I've been rather repetitive and boring recently, haven't I? Sorry. One of the primary reasons for starting this blog was to be creative and fun, so I would not want to get so stabby during work hours. I guess I veered away from the mission statement for a while. And, I'm bored of talking about TV. I also got way too serious and self-reflective there, which was NEVER SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN ON THIS SPACE. Whoops!

So, I'm going to try something new, which will hopefully be interesting & entertaining for a while. I sincerely think this'll help remind everyone about how good it used to be. You know, back when my credit cards threatened to cut me in my sleep and Jose Cuervo was too much man for me.

I may do a new post as early as tomorrow (dependent on work status), so stay tuned!

PS-Don't set your expectations too high--it'll be rather gimmicky but hopefully creative enough for me and somewhat entertaining for you.

Monday, June 23, 2008

RIP, Rufus

George Carlin died yesterday. While I can't honestly say that I fervently followed his stand up career, I can truly appreciate the contribution that he made to comedy. This is the man who really exemplifies the foul-mouthed comic, and made a whole act around the seven dirty words you couldn't (and, for the most part, still can't) say on TV. He got arrested for disturbing the peace, when he performed his act in Wisconsin. Who takes their kids to a stand up show? Did we learn nothing from Lenny Bruce (one of George Carlin's greatest influences)? Due to his act, rules were set in place by the FCC for censorship on television. It was a big deal.

He was the first host ever on SNL. In the first episode. That's pretty awesome, and a great start to what used to be the most subversive and irreverant and (at one point) thoughtful program on TV. Of course audiences my age know him for his role as the very excellent Rufus in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. Rad! Also, kids my age know him as Mr. Conductor (after Ringo Starr) in Shining Time Station. Sweet. I mean, how can you not love this guy? Seriously. He appeals to everyone!

Comedy lost a hero yesterday. So, for you and you alone, Mr Carlin:


Hope you're still giving someone hell somewhere.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Okay, so I have a question. How would y'all explain to your landlady that you broke your toilet seat? Seriously. Last night I was scooping kitty litter and was leaning on the toilet with my other hand. I guess I caught it just right, and the poor toilet seat was snapped off of its hinges. It's just sitting loose now on the bowl.

This kind of stuff only happens to me. I think I may just buy some superglue and try to fix it myself.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

It Didn't Happen

Hey, why haven't I been using labels? I can have fun with those.

Movie review Saturday! I guess. I just saw The Happening with the gang earlier today, and I can honestly say that it is one of the least entertaining movies I've seen in quite some time. Well, let me rephrase that. It was mildly entertaining, but mostly in a completely accidental way. I'd venture to say that it's the biggest Hollywood snuff film since The Passion of the Christ. It almost seemed like a poor adaptation of a somewhat clever book. The idea is actually great, and really creepy. The concept behind the movie warrants the Hitchcock comparisons that Shyamalan seems to get. However, the execution is more reminiscent of Michael Bay. Except with fewer explosions. The movie does have a few pros, however. A few. The cinematography and camera direction were actually pretty cool. I liked that he did lots of close-up shots of the characters' faces. You don't see that too much anymore, and it heightened the sheer terror of the situation. I liked the score--very creepy. I liked some of the intentional, albeit very random, jokes. I also liked that one shot with all the people on the street committing suicide with the cop's gun. I thought that was very well done and quite emotionally resonant. [ETA: Many thanks to Laura for reminding me that yet another pro of the movie was the sheer hotness of Marky Mark in the lead role. When he wasn't talking, I enjoyed his performance quite a bit. :D]

On to the cons. The script was terrible. The acting was awkward. They showed way too many of the deaths. It would have been much more successful, in my opinion, if they didn't show the people killing themselves quite as much. I couldn't watch half of the movie, and I'm not that squeamish. (Although it probably didn't help that I was nursing a hell of a hangover thanks to my coworkers) It's very obvious that M. Night Shyamalan can come up with great ideas, but is very bad at executing them. I'm now convinced that The Sixth Sense was a complete fluke. Although, I will admit that I liked Unbreakable, in a very geeky way.

What he should have focused a bit more on is the paranoia that the situation creates. He touches on it a bit, when they find that house with the inhabitants who won't let them in. But he could have done so much more with playing people off of each other. And can we talk about how much he hit us over the head with the grander messages in his works? I GET IT. It doesn't help that I just watched Pan's Labyrinth--one of the most beautiful and subtle and depressing and, in a weird way, uplifting movies I've seen in a long time. The worst part about this (from my checking out the internet forums) is that people who have deciphered the great mystery of the films take it upon themselves to criticize everyone who doesn't like these movies, and call them dumb for "not getting it." Getting a good point across by browbeating audiences does not make a movie good. I'll call this the "Crash Syndrome." Nobody tangentially insults my movie intelligence.

So, now, I'm officially done talking about that movie. I'm going to bed and sleeping off the headache.

Friday, June 6, 2008

She Exploded, FYI

I think I'm just going to stop pretending, and acknowledge the fact that 85% of these postings are just my thoughts on TV and movies. I'll still try to make them entertaining, but, sorry, if you don't like the movies/shows that I'm talking about.

Last night I finally watched Cloverfield, and I REALLY LIKED IT. For those of you who don't know the premise, it's a monster attack ala Godzilla in present-day Manhattan. It's all filmed with a handheld camera to give the impression that it's just being filmed with a personal camcorder. It's AWESOME. The way they merged CGI effects of the monster and well-known New York landmarks getting destroyed on this homemade-looking footage was pretty amazing. It looked real, and the way it was filmed made viewers feel like they were also running for their lives. I'm going to be very wary of Lake Michigan from now on and will start developing a good escape strategy from the city. Let me know if any of you want to get in on the evacuation plan.

Another thing I really enjoyed--which is certainly a JJ Abrams touch was the idea of following regular people dealing with extraordinary events and focusing mostly on the emotional impact it has on them. This is the same thing that Lost excels at. I know everyone should be paying attention to the mysteries of the island and all that stuff, but I like the extreme emotions. Particularly with the Korean couple, Sun and Jin, who Margaret Cho is so fond of talking about. Their scenes normally make me cry. But anyway, this movie has lots of that too--especially as the friends start dying. The pain of losing their friends never dulls for them, no matter how frantic they are.

Also, I was surprised. I expected the movie to be more gruesome for some reason. And aside from one character who died quite horribly, we don't see too much. This is partly due to the cinematography of the film. I really like how nothing was explained--made it so much more realistic.

I'm a little surpised that I liked it this much. I'm actually considering buying it, because one can never have too many monster movies at hand. And, I guess having never been to New York, it's not going to affect me the same way that a it would for a New Yorker watching the movie. So if you're going to freak out over a monster destroying New York (the start of the madness had the monster decapitate the Statue of Liberty), you probably shouldn't watch it. And, although it doesn't sound this way, the destruction wasn't gratuitous.

Also, the viral marketing campaign for the movie was pretty good, and I'm endlessly entertaining myself reading the characters' Myspace pages during work. Yeah, I'm a dork. But I'm fine with it.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


on the side of my face. Breathing, breathless. Heaving breaths. Heaving...

You knew it was coming. You knew it. You knew that I couldn't hold my peace when it comes to Top Chef any longer. ESPECIALLY THIS EPISODE. So keep away if you have not seen it yet. Cause I'm 'bout to explode with Spoilery goodness.


Are you sure?


How much of a nailbiter was that episode? I mean, seriously? Red herrings galore! I gasped with shock and horror when Dale left Stephanie's dish out. HORROR. What a horrible way to get eliminated--due to someone else's mistake. Although she was clearly upset, she handled the situation with incredible aplomb, and came out on top because of it. Yay Stephanie! I'm rooting for you even more now! Can you even imagine if that happened to Lisa? Aside from my cheering a little (OKAY, a lot), she would scream at her sous chef, scream at the other chefs, and declare SABOTOGE to the cameras. She wouldn't be able to recover like Stephanie did.

And that's why I hate that she's still there. But I can't say anything about it, because it's clear that Antonia just choked, proving my theory that she's the Casey of this season. And that sucks, because I think she's a better chef than Bitter Face, and I would've loved nothing better than to see a showdown among the three most talented and level-headed chefs this season has had. It's a damn shame.

And I hated when Lisa demanded that Richard and Stephanie congratulate her, after Antonia emotionally left. Hey Lisa, Antonia kept talking about how much she'd invested in it and how emotional the whole process was for her. Let the other chefs mourn the loss of a good competitor, who put her whole heart into cooking for this. I get that you don't like that the other chefs don't think you deserve to still be there. I know that must suck for you. But that was incredibly uncalled for and simply spotlights the fact that you feel insecure and out of place next to these better chefs. Better being the operative word. Damn. I also didn't like that she cooked Puerto Rican food instead of her normal fare, which seems like a cheap way to appeal to the people. And it worked.

This is making me nervous. Really nervous, because these sort of insecure/angry feelings can very easily light a fire under someone like Lisa, and I really hope that she doesn't get a second wind because of it. As Colicchio says time and time again, this is Top Chef not Top Cook, and Lisa hasn't proven adequate leadership skills to be able to deal with her fellow chefs appropriately and hasn't even consistently put out good food. Some of the other winners may have been jerks in the kitchen (or life, like Ilan) but they were able to get it together and prove their worth. Consistently. She's kind of like a culinary succubus who drains better chefs of their skills/willpower, which may seem harsh, but that's what I'm getting. Even Richard and Stephanie, who are two cheftestants who never badmouth their colleagues, obviously can't stand her.

The previews for next week make it seem like a surprising outcome, so I'm a little worried about this. I swear, if she wins this competition, I'm not watching again. Okay, that was a lie, I'll still watch, but I'm TOTALLY writing an angry letter.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I'm Going to Kill that Damn Dog

No, not that one. The little yippy "Chug" of my unfriendly (although, now, quite friendly) neighbors is a positive delight to the devil-dog that moved in next door on my other side. Her owners seem like nice enough folk, but the dog is obviously her own mistress in personality. For this week, every morning at 7 AM, this dog (a young beagle) barks and howls most offensively. I guess that's when they leave. My cats are very perturbed. PERTURBED. They both join me on the bed whenever the hound starts wailing, and demand my attention as a proper distraction. I feel really bad when I have to leave. The Chug is nothing compared to this cur. I don't even know how long the howling goes on for, since she's still going at it when I leave at 8:20-8:30. Surely she will drive me mad.

Annoying one, do something productive with your time, like Snoopy, who wrote mystery novels when Charlie Brown wasn't around! Don't give in to the neurotic leanings of your foredogs.

She better not interfere with the first part of the finale of Top Chef, or it will be WAR.

In other news, Netflix is eating my time. I've watched Me, You, and Everyone We Know, Mirrormask, and Eastern Promises recently. Funnily enough, or not so funnily, I liked Mirrormask the best. I'll be getting Spiderman 3, Cloverfield, and Pan's Labyrinth soon. This really is so much better than going to a video store, and I've been catching up on all of the movies I haven't gotten a chance to see yet. Yippee!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to hating the dog.