Wednesday, October 29, 2008

When You are Dying, I'll Be Still Alive

So, I've recently discovered the musical stylings of one Jonathan Coulton. Well, he was recommended to me, that is. Amazing, simply amazing.

I actually found the song "Still Alive" a while back on my own. That's the song playing over the end credits of the computer game Portal, which I'm actually thinking about buying, because it's apparently an amazing puzzle game. The song was written by Jonathan Coulton, and is quite hilarious. It's basically the computer congratulating you on beating at and giving you passive-aggressive warnings about how it's still alive. It's really funny, and I've never even played the game. I first found it because I saw a clip of Felicia Day, Penny from Dr. Horrible, singing it with him at ComiCon.

He tends to write songs that are about the weirdest topics, from an giant squid to a zombie attack to a surprisingly sad/touching song about Laika. Yes, the first dog in space. They're amazing. And, not just in a funny, dorky way. They're genuinely good songs, in my opinion. He does a hilarious cover of "Baby Got Back."

I guess I just wanted to share the love. Right now I've got "Still Alive" stuck in my head, and I wanted to let people know that.

You should listen to these songs. Here, have some links:

Still Alive
The Future Soon
Skullcrusher Mountain
Creepy Doll
I Crush Everything
re: Your Brains
and the touching Space Doggity

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