Monday, October 27, 2008

Laura Wins

Okay, I think many of you are aware of the serious arm-twisting that my dear friend Laura has been giving me in the past few weeks. Ever since going with her and Eric to see Roller Derby in September, I've been interested in the sport. I mean, seriously, it's hardcore. All you really need to know is that it's a bunch of tough, heavily tattooed women on roller skates trying to kill each other. Awesome. They also have fantastically funny punny names.

Actually, let me amend this by saying that after I saw my first bout, the battle was all inside me. It seems like incredibly good fun, as well as a great release from, you know, regular life. Obviously it's lots of hard work and practice and stuff. It's not like I'm doing anything else with my free time. So, yeah, I've been going back and forth and back and forth. The arguments are mainly, "but you don't know how to skate!" and "but it looks awesome!"

I finally told myself, I said "Self, if not knowing how to skate is the only thing that's bothering you, why don't you just learn?"

So, yeah, I bought some damn skates. They're cheap and probably no good, but I figure they'd be perfect for learning how to do basic stuff. This is just enough time for me to try out come next year's tryouts in June. I like to have good, um, cushions of time to learn new skills. I think 8 months is a good time period to learn how to skate. I've even thought up a few decent names. I figure that if I'm daydreaming about this, it's probably a good thing to actually try.

See! Even now I'm talking myself into it, even though I've already invested at least minimal time and effort into this. This could end up being my new thing. Here, check out the website.

Get excited, people.


Anonymous said...

i AM excited!! YAAAYAY! we shall learn together.


LibraryLia said...

i am sooo jealous!!!!
<3 <3

Anonymous said...

also, i just re-read this and would like to say that NO arms were twisted, ma'am. you have no one but yourself to blame for this! also:

If the names that you've thought of are not all on there, I will be EXTREMELY jealous, because all of my good ones are :( EVEN TERRORDACTYL.

Cristina said...

Oh, come on Laura. There was a little twisting. :)

Thank you for that link. So many pun names! I am very sad for you that Terrordactyl was taken. Strangely enough the ones I've thought up haven't been taken. I'm still not sure about them (at least one is really bad), and will probably think of lots of new violent sounding names in the future. I mean, I've got time here.