Monday, July 14, 2008

Geekend Update

So, I saw Wanted this Saturday, and I gotta say, it was pretty good. And by that, I mean if you forget about physics and ignore the obvious cliches. Other than that, it was loads of fun. The action was pretty constant and properly badass, and you can't ever really go wrong with Angelina Jolie in the type of role she is obviously destined to make. Two scenes in particular were egregious misuses of the laws of physics, especially for a movie that almost tries to hoodwink the audience into believing that these sorts of things could actually be possible, by maintaining a certain level of realism throughout the film. It's kind of a movie about superpowers that's trying to look like it's possible in our world, handwaved by having ordinary people perform superhuman feats simply because they trained hard. At least in The Matrix, we always saw them as existing (physically and mentally) separately from "normal people" therefore able to do things that those who haven't been awakened would be unable to do. But these all sound like criticisms, when they certainly aren't. This is my need to pick apart every movie I see, regardless of level of enjoyment. IT'S FROM A COMIC BOOK (or graphic novel, I forget). It was lots of fun with lots of triumphant "yeah!" moments, and I would certainly go see it again. Did I mention that most of it took place in the streets of Chicago? Some of it was around my office! The El had a large role in this movie, and I certainly enjoyed seeing it zooming around on its tracks. Also, Angelina Jolie= reliably awesome action.

Zelda Update: I played a little on Saturday morning and I am now up to the first dungeon; I actually have completed most of it to get the bow & arrows. I ran out of time (an important factor in Majora's Mask), so I'll have to go through the whole temple again in order to defeat the first boss and do the important stuff in the swamp available after defeating him. Next time I play, I should be through the first temple and on my way to becoming a Goron. [Apologies for those who have no idea what I'm talking about--it's not actually as geeky as it sounds. Really.]

Also, a coworker lent me all 7 seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, since I mentioned that I loved the show, but haven't watched it in years. I think she feels the need to reciprocate because I lent her The Office and got her addicted. So, that's what I did on Sunday. Eight episodes of Buffy. Eight! It was awesome. I forgot about the first season, and how rough all the characters were. Unlike Firefly, Buffy was a little rougher around the edges at first. Still, undeniably awesome and one of the better teen dramas that the WB ever had. And, once it got going, it was one of the best shows on the air period. I still believe that. Say what you will about wanting to watch a snarky teenage girl slay vampires and demons and other magical stuff, but Joss Whedon knows how to write, and Buffy was his baby. I'm plowing through the early episodes so I can get to Seasons 2-3, when it really starts getting intense. I'm going to lose my shit when they introduce characters like Spike and Faith.

So, I guess I'm having a good time with life right now. My inner geek needs walking every now and then, and right now I'm letting her loose.

And now I can't help but ponder who would win in a fight--Buffy Summers or Lara Croft?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

first off, OH MY GOD YOU HAVE MAJORA'S MASK?! I AM COMING TO PLAY IT RIGHT NOW. right now. and yeah, that moon gave me NIGHTMARES as a (16 year old) child. scary shit. My friend georgeanne does an amazing impersonation of that moon, though, which helps make it more funny than scary. but still... so intense!

and, I would like to see Wanted! Matinee, perhaps? I do want to see it, but not badly enough to shell out $10 without hesitation...
