Thursday, April 16, 2009


I just remembered that I had a blog at one point. Things got kind of bad, and I didn't really feel like updating for a long time.

Er, hello again internet world. Does anyone still check this? If I were to start updating again, would anyone read? I'll try to not have it just be about, like, the themes of BSG or something. However, I am thinking about starting this back up again. I guess leave a comment if you still check it out, and I'll decide from there.


Anonymous said...

i do!
i've been checking your twitter posts, anyway... i was a bit worried about the expired yogurt, glad that you seem to have gotten through that ok ( i had a bad experience ;))


Anonymous said...

i still check it, stin! come back to us! work is often boring.


Anonymous said...

It's one of the links on our blog, so I check it from time to time; I'm sure Elizabeth does, too!

Saathoffs said...

True dat, read it I do indeed. WHEN there's something to read :) I'm bored on bedrest, don't you want to blog for me?

Eric said...

I check occasionally still. I totally understand about the lack of posts, though. I've been just as bad as you.

Cristina said...

1. Hi Mary! Yeah, twitter has eaten up all my creativity/pointless information nobody but me cares about. I'm getting chancy with my yogurt here!

2. Working on it Laura! You're totally back from Greece, right?

3. Eric S! Hi! I need to come to Hyde Park to visit y'all before the birth. I've been very bad. But I've been stalking y'all through your blog so far. :)

4. Lizzy, see above re:visit. How are you?! I'll try to get some interesting posts together so you can be more entertained during bedrest.

5. Eric O., yeah I blame twitter completely for this. I forgot you had a blog! We should make a pact to try to be more interesting or something. Even though I'll probably just annoyingly talk about TV or something. You may have more interesting things to say at this point.