Thursday, May 8, 2008

So This is What it Feels Like

It finally happened. Turns out I should've been checking my Citibank account more diligently over the past couple of weeks. Cause I totally hit Defcon 1, like a week ago. All of the checks that I sent in were cashed at the exact same time, and the money that I had in my checking account has completely vanished. ALL OF IT.


This is slightly terrifying. In my many years of mild poverty, I never let this happen before. There was always a cushion of money to protect me. I made sure of that. These past two weeks have been a little rough on my checkbook, what with Nubs and Bin 36 and a new computer cord, and a few other surprise purchases, which were crazy expensive. I'm afraid to look at my Mastercard, for fear of his terrible wrath. I am getting paid tomorrow, and the bulk of my bills have already been paid by now, but just barely. So I should be okay again soon. And that stimulus package should be coming very soon as well. Possibly tomorrow, if that Social Security Number schedule is right.

Still, this is very scary. This cannot happen again! I will be living more reasonably from now on, you can be sure of that. I'm actually going to cook for myself and take my own lunches in to work. I'm going to get that raise soon! So for now, I'll have to say no to Bin 36 and weekend frivolity. No more Icewine (sigh) and fancy coffees (SIGH).

Hold on, Nubs, for a little while longer! Please don't rest your stump on any surfaces that could inflame it. In fact, it may be better if you don't move at all. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR, KITTY?

Anyway, hopefully this will be better by tomorrow. Or else I may start selling my super-healthy, drug and smoke-free organs on the Black Market. What's the going rate for kidneys these days? Anybody have any mafia connections? I'm not really picky.


Unknown said...

Does this mean you're canceling our lunch date?

Eric said...

oh noes! I am also in a somewhat similar situation, because I had to buy a new computer, then pay student loans and rent. I still have some money in savings, but I'm trying really hard to pretend it doesn't exist because I'll probably need it for grad school application fees and for visiting schools and who knows what other expenses

The real world sucks :(

Anonymous said...

I am SHOCKED that it has taken you this long to overdraw your bank account. I thought it was normal to kind of do that every other month in college...? no? Hm.

Two words, Stin: overdraft protection.

MGL said...

omg, what happened to nubs?!?!?! did i miss something...i think so...

oh yes i also overdrew my account recently for the first time. it was a matter of transferring money between accounts, but still. i was freaking out because i don't have overdraft protection or whatnot, so i went to the bank before work and tried to talk the banker guys (who were just about our age) about "was there a possibility that i could NOT pay the fine"? and they were like totally cool about it, just fiddling around with the bank system like they were playing a video game...comforting in some ways, in that people still have control over the system i guess, hehe.