I've been getting progressively more serious these past few weeks, huh? I should stop that. This is supposed to be a repository for trivial observations about society. Or mostly thoughts on TV and movies. Nothing serious. Here are some frivolous thoughts. TAKE THEM.
1. I'm moving floors in my company. Instead of only being surrounded by a few people, who could care less what I do or don't do with my time, I will be surrounded by lots of nosy people and my boss. She's pretty cool, but since everyone will be able to see everyone else's computers, I feel like I'm going to have to cut down on the internet time. Which really sucks, because I don't have enough real work to fill a normal day. Even a normal half-day. This will surely be what madness feels like.
2. This is creepy-sad: I can now tell the difference between the two writers of Go Fug Yourself. Heather and Jessica have very different styles of writing, and I'm starting to play a game with myself to see if I can tell which one wrote the post. FYI, Heather tends to write more flowery prose and uses longer references to soap operas and makes up elaborate plots to movies to describe the clothes; Jessica writes more like I do, i.e. more rambling with good/interesting diction coupled with occasional exasperated shouting in the form of RANDOM CAPITALIZATIONS. I officially need to find some other way to fill my time.
3. Oh, but I've been rereading the Harry Potters. This is good fun for the bus rides in the morning, since no blind people are raping each other. Not even in the last one, when Rowling could've really gone for it. I'm finishing Prisoner of Azkaban right now. Did y'all hear that the first trailer for The Half-Blood Prince will be attached to Prince Caspian? Anyone want to go?
4. Speaking of summer movies, is anyone else really excited? There are so many blockbusters/long-awaited sequels that I don't even know where to focus my attention anymore. First, shamefully, I'm really excited about Indiana Jones. I know he's like 400 years old now, and he won't even be fighting the Nazis in this, but I still want to see it. Karen Allen is coming back as Marion Ravenwood! I admit, I've been watching the old ones on TV recently, and that has been stirring up the excitement. Finally, I can see an Indiana Jones movie in the theaters! Also, coming up, X-Files: I Want to Believe in July. Awesome. I already mentioned Prince Caspian, for the Harry Potter trailer, but I'd like to see the actual movie as well. I'd still like to see Iron Man, but I'm not really feeling Speed Racer. Honestly, I think that movie will give at least one person a seizure. I can't even watch the trailer, which is why I didn't link to it. Sex and the City, eh, okay. Not exactly my thing, but I'd go see it out of curiosity, since I frequently watch the reruns before bed. Hancock also seems like it will be fun. So many movies, so few dollars. This is the real reason I need a boyfriend--to have someone to take me to movies. Yes, that is the main reason these days.
5. Oh, thank you everyone for your support of me during these dark times. A coworker just told me that she was proud of me for my first overdrawn account. I suppose it is quite the milestone. I'm like 2 seconds away from calling the IRS and demanding my government money, since I haven't gotten it yet. Is that pushy of me? At least I'm in the black again. Yikes.
6. Also, for those of you not in the know about my kitty, here's the dealio. Nubs, the cute chirpy gimp, got an infection in her, well, nub a few weeks ago. She was running a fever, couldn't walk well, and her stump hurt like hell. I took her to the emergency room, feeling like quite the negligent mother, and was informed about the state of her leg, while the vet seemed shocked that they didn't amputate the rest of the gimpy leg, since her trying to use it and its rubbing against surfaces caused the infection. I gave her the antibiotics for a week, and she felt much better. Now, she's doing fine, and her leg isn't giving her any more problems, but I have to look to the future. After consulting with Aimee, the original foster mother (who somehow feels responsible for Nubs' malady), it seems there are a few options. Amputation is the most extreme, and probably not even necessary. Nubs could have a prosthetic (bionic kitty!) or a skin graft to simulate a paw and be just fine. I think I'm just going to wait, and be mindful of the nub, because I can't afford any unnecessary expenses right about now. If she can still get on my bed, she's golden. Gus is fine for now (if a bit needy), and has not shown evidence of any sympathy pains.
7. There is no seven. I just wanted to end on a lucky number. Like those horcruxes, huh?
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