Monday, March 31, 2008

Random Rankings: Round 1 Sudden Death Match (Hee hee)

In the Spirit of March Madness (I don't really know why I capitalized "spirit" just then, maybe as in "Spirit of Christmas Past." Just go with it.), I have decided to start ranking things every now and then, mostly as a go-to blog when I've got writer's block or am being too boring. That sounds very vague doesn't it? Well, that's the point! I am vague! These rankings will be between anything! ANYTHING! Imagine the possibilities! Mostly I will focus on matchups between different products/concepts/technologies/creatures, etc. that are often grouped together in people's minds. You'll get the drift. I'll just give my own two cents, and apply my limited life-view to determine what I think is the "better" of the two. (NOTE: This is likely to cause debate even with the most trivial of pairs, and oh yes, I will be very trivial. Oftentimes I will be tongue-in-cheek or morbidly biased, but I will honestly try to be as objective as possible. Or not. ) This will be in the same vein as the Great Latke-Hamantash Debate, but hopefully even more trivial! Let the games begin!

For this inaugural post, let me start with an easy pairing. Well, easy for me:


If you know me, then you should know where I stand on this. But let's all pretend I'm capable of objectivity. Let's start with the origins of both of these creatures, whose myths can be traced back hundreds of years, and appear in many different cultures.

Similar myths have existed since the early Mesopotamians, but the traditional Anne Rice-esque vampire has only been known since the early 1800s, in Southeastern Europe with countless slight variations. Historical figures associated with vampirism have been Vlad Tepes (Vlad the Impaler--influence for Dracula), Gilles de Rais, and Countess Elizabeth Bathory. The werewolf has been around just as long, but in its current form it can be recognized even in Ancient Greek myth. In one tale, Lycaon, a brash king, was transformed into a wolf as a penalty for eating human flesh, and the tale spread from there. The tales of the Úlfhéðnar, or Berserkers, in Norse mythology are very similar to that of traditional werewolves, in that they wore only the pelts of wolves and bears into battle and would almost be transformed into animals, and were the most formidable warriors because of it. Now, let's see where these origin myths have ended up.

Vampires today bring forth images of savage, yet charismatic undead nobility, who need to satisfy their hunger for human blood, while still living with the trappings of royalty. Werewolves are thought to be poor, unlucky everymen, who get bitten by werewolves, and are doomed to transform every full moon into wild, uncontrollable creatures. To compare: vampires are considered the epitome of excess, as most historical figures associated with vampirism are royalty, whose insatiable bloodlust or longing for eternal life/youth/beauty caused them to commit unspeakable crimes; many myths agree that to become a vampire, a person has to will it--to drink the blood of a vampire. Werewolves are everymen transformed into beasts through no fault of their own, the epitome of the id unleashed. Werewolves inspire much more pity and pathos, because they are just having a really bad day. They didn't ask to get turned into werewolves, and now some stupid monster hunter is coming after them with silver bullets in his sniper rifle. That sucks, eternally-damned wolf-creatures--sorry! And, because I refuse to feel sorry for my monsters (sack up Wolfman!), the point goes to vampires. Vampires:1 Werewolves:0.

To be even shallower, let's turn to Buffy (see above examples). Now, Buffy specifically hunted vampires. The show was Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But because I watched this when I was a teenage girl, I looked at the show through the lens of "which guy would I like to date?" Angel or Oz is the representative example of this epic debate. Yes, Angel is hot. Yes, he is dark and brooding and wonderful. Yes, he is over 200 years old and has a really cool tattoo. But, I'd still totally date Oz. I mean, he's played by Seth Green! I'd even lock him in his cage for those 3 days of the month and hang out, while he's being a creepy wolf-man. This point goes to werewolves. Vampires:1 Werewolves: 1.

It's getting difficult now. We're tied up. I could go through countless examples of how these two creatures differ and how modern media paints them. I could compare google entries, and medical disorders attributed to both creatures. I could think about religion's impact on the genesis of these monsters, and get all philosophical. I could list all the actors who have played vampires and werewolves. However, considering this is a post regarding evil creatures, who hunt humans, I'll consider the tie-breaker in this fashion: which would I rather die to. Now, I don't particularly want to die to either, but if given a choice I would think about it in the following way:

-Death 1: (the first time I wrote this, it ended up sounding like an, uh, Anne Rice novel [read: kinda soft-core pornish], so I'm being much more abstract now) Random pale, handsome and well-dressed stranger, who I could meet anywhere entrances me and leads me away from the pack. We would probably end up somewhere comfortable, where I would drink entirely too much wine. I die in his arms, while I fade away in an uncomfortable but not excruciating manner, as he drinks from my jugular. At least he was hot.
-Death 2: During a full moon, I go camping in the woods with my closest friends. One by one we get picked off by a wild animal. We find the bodies mangled and half-eaten, with their last looks of horror still etched on their faces. My last vision will be seeing a huge man-beast lumbering towards me, with foul blood and flesh smeared on its face. I will die in incredible pain, after it rips an arm off and starts eating it in front of me.

Gosh, which would I choose? I think the winner is obvious. Vampires are more humane, people! Seriously! If you had to die, I hope you'd make the right choice, and go for a nice, slow bloodletting. And if you're really nice, and so inclined, you could get turned and hunt in the night with a really hot new friend.


I mean, come on, it should be obvious guys...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I Shall Call It RadishGate 2008

Hello, vast government conspiracies, my old friends. It's been a while. I know I haven't been paying attention to you in recent years, and you've been relegated to passing thoughts, while I am watching old episodes of The X-Files. But our past is a deep and sordid one, and I feel I must acknowledge that now. Gone are the days when your crazier proponents would get on national TV and scream about government coverups with plots of complicated intrigue. When The X-Files was actually on the air and people went crazy over such intelligent Fox Television programming such as Alien Autopsy and Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?, that was your moment to really shine and recruit new crazies. I salute the efforts of your glory days.

(IMPORTANT NOTE: This blogger, herself, does not personally believe in any sort of incredibly fascinating, vast governmental conspiracy. She is not advocating the belief of said intrigue. This post is 100% entertainment value. This blog post should not personally reflect on the character of the author, and should not reflect on her thoughts regarding our federal government. This blogger would now like to take this opportunity to salute the fine efforts of the brave governmental workers, who toil long hours for little pay to bring evildoers to justice and protect our national security, while having to deal with the more, uh, paranoid members of our society. Got that?)

Having said that, let's talk a little about government conspiracy. I randomly came across this article today: The 70 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time Sampler. I'm really not a big fan of the JFK conspiracy or even UFO cover ups, to be perfectly honest. Those theorists try too hard to connect information, which by itself is plausible, into some great web of government lies. They're just really die-hard fact checkers, who try so very, very hard to make all their theories line up, by looking at vast quantities of data. That grows tiresome for me. I much prefer the total wackadoos.

That's why the only article, which sparked enough interest for me to actually read it was the last one: "The Internet: Tool of Satan." Now THAT'S my kind of crazy. Did you know that The Illuminati were behind the internet? I know, right. That's pretty impressive, Unproven Ancient Secret Society Bent on Global Domination. Good for you. The reasons why They started this crazy fad called the internet run the gamut from spying on us, to drugging us, and, most impressively, to HAILING SATAN. I didn't realize I did that every time I checked my email. The things you learn every day. Gosh.

Seriously, where do they come up with these things? I'm really curious. Do you need a PhD to spout some of this crazy? How do they "research" this? I really want to know. If not, I'm totally going to dedicate as much effort as I can reasonably muster to creating new, much more interesting conspiracies.

Like, for example, did you know that for the past (oh let's say) 50 years, an unidentified paramilitary organization has been systematically feeding the global commercial turnip crops with a powerful mind-controlling chemical, and whenever you eat a turnip, or even the turnip leaves(!), you will unconsciously (and probably in your sleep, just for good measure) send sensitive personal information, like your SSN or ATM PIN to a predetermined internet address, that they planted in your mind with the turnip juice! I am very serious. In fact, this may have spread to other root vegetables, which may be farmed in close proximity to the infected turnips. Sure, why not. I would probably be able to publish this in some sort of magazine, worthy of the likes of The Lone Gunmen. In fact, I'd probably get at least one person who believes me. My ultimate goal, of course, would be mass hysteria. In time.

Now, you may think to yourself, you crafty reader you, that this sounds very similar to my arch-nemesis, Scientology. To that I say, NO, and am now quite insulted by your inferences. My goal is not to earn money or convince incredibly stupid celebrities to jump on couches. I just want to come up with one little ridiculous and wacky theory, that someone, somewhere, with little coersion on my part, will unequivocably agree with. Is that too much to ask for? I'm not creating Xenu here, people. Even I have my limits.

So please, spread the turnip word.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Random Blog of Insanity!

First off, how cool is this?


1. In the latest training session, after being told to do some sadistic rowing exercises, which involved me gripping a very rough rope and pulling on weights which threatened very seriously to fling me forwards:
Wimpy me: But my hands are so soft and delicate!
Sadistic Joel: Mwahahahaha! Not anymore!
Also, I think he's going to have me do actual pullups soon. Way too soon for my liking. He's very excited about this. I'm slightly concerned that I will dislocate both of my shoulders. At the same time. Then fall on my head. And put my eye out on the corner of the stool. And then for no other reason than its not wanting to miss out on the fun, my left knee will dislocate as well. You just wait; it'll happen.

2. My coffee has now officially been likened to a hard drug. Is anyone surprised?

3. THEOFFICETHEOFFICETHEOFFICETHEOFFICETHEOFFICE! SOON! Stay tuned! I'm very excited about this, because it means that I can further wean myself off of reality TV now that quality television programs are coming back on the air. And, my TV will not always be on Bravo. Fantastic.

4. What's a better name for a Bond villain--Ivan Dragovich or Simon Cunningham III? On the one hand, Ivan Dragovich sounds scarier. And Russian. Like a scary Russian. But, Simon Cunningham III sounds much more like a person with good breeding, and probably lots of money. I actually think it's creepier for a serious villain to have a wimpy, yuppie sounding name, because he has to prove otherwise. I think I'm leaning towards Simon. Hmm. Discuss.

5. I think I've officially realized that I'm obsessed with crime. That sounds horrible, doesn't it? I've always liked movies and TV shows that unrealistically glamorize crime, and even those that REALLY don't. I like TV shows and movies that involve solving of crimes, e.g. Law & Order. I realize that it's not weird to be interested in crime, but some of my favorite shows involve criminals. It's interesting and horrifying, how people can live like that. I mean, not enough for me to actually give it a try myself. I'd be a terrible criminal, especially with the serious moral code and sense of justice that I've got. But I'm begrudgingly impressed with con artists and the like. Is there ever any doubt that some of my favorite flashback episodes of Lost are Sawyer's? Or my love of The Riches, only partially because Eddie Izzard is one of the leads? I also (used to) read creepy books about serial killers, almost to try to understand how people can end up that twisted. I honestly think I could face that kind of evil, with the appropriate training and resources. My mind is a creepy place, people. I've never said otherwise. I guess I can handle seeing the dark side of humanity when it comes to the TV. Now, in a dark alley tonight. Not so much. I hope this sheds some light as to why I'M SO PARANOID! I should never have read all those books by top FBI profiler John E. Douglas! But my desire to be exposed to this world (on the other side) is the primary reason why I still haven't given up on my dreams of the FBI. Damn, I still want to be Agent Scully, no matter how ridiculous it is!

6. Should I make flan tonight? And will that interfere with gym time? Decisions decisions.

Thanks for listening! I'll try to think up a better post soon.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'm Issuing an Orange Alert. It Would Behoove Governments of the World to Follow Suit.

Okay, I want to talk about something very serious today. I am gravely concerned for the safety and well-being of planet Earth. Do other people not realize that we are in very serious danger? Our lives are hanging by a mere thread. The Sword of Damocles is perched precariously over our heads. I am speaking to the IMMINENT global threat known as


The creature from Cloverfield is a recent fictional representation of this very real danger. I don't think that we, as humans, can ignore it any longer. And you can bet I have examples!

This is a sound (known as the "Bloop") recorded by the US National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration during the summer of 1997, off of the southwest coast of South America. Scientists have studied this phenomenon and cannot determine the source of the noise. The pattern of sound matches the audio profile of a living creature, albeit a living creature unknown to current science. This creature would have to be much much larger than even a Blue Whale, the largest known animal in existence; also, much larger than the dinosaurs were. The blue whale can grow up to 110 feet in length and weigh 200 tons. There are other instances of unexplained noises from the deep: The Slow Down is another prominent one. Curiously, this sound also seems to originate from the west coast of South America. Coincidence, I think not.[edit: apparently, this sound has been heard in many other parts of the southern hemisphere; many scientists believe that it has man-made origins such as secret governmental advanced weapons testing. But that's a conspiracy for another time.]

Now, many HP Lovecraft fans have taken these sounds and run with them, crying "Cthulu! Cthulu!" This is ridiculous. Lovecraft inadvertently played so many of these people for saps, by creating these dark tales about the enormous, evilish, tentacled, alien entity. For those of you unfamiliar with Cthulu, let me give you the cheap man's Wikipedia version of it. Cthulu, according to Lovecraftian mythos, is a leader of "The Great Old Ones," ancient creatures, who lived before mankind ever existed. Cthulu is said to be waiting and dreaming in a great city at the very bottom of the ocean, and when he wakes, he will rule over the world once more. The place where Cthulu supposedly lies dormant is also off of the Southwestern coast of South America. But the reason for all the similarity is simply that this is a large patch of deep ocean, with not much land nearby. (FYI I've never actually read any Lovecraft--this is all based on research I've been doing today. Despite my incredible love of vampires, I was never that kid.)

Although Cthulu itself is ridiculous, enormous creatures from the deep ARE possible, and in fact, proven.

See, Giant Squid. Mini Kraken. Large specimens have washed up on shores all around the world, and some whales have been discovered with enormous sucker marks, scars from what one can imagine to be epic battles between these natural enemies! The Giant Squid is a common occurrence of the phenomenon "deep sea gigantism," which is what it sounds like. Some creatures just get very very large, the deeper into the abyss they live (it is common in Antarctic waters). Some theories about deep-sea gigantism are the creatures need to adapt to fewer sources of food or adaptation to greater pressure.

If we have discovered such enormous creatures, which either washed up on shore, or were caught, what haven't we found? There are numerous sightings of bizarre creatures, which have never been seen before. It would be folly to think that we can find every organism that is on Earth. In fact, we should stop looking. It is possible for humans to peacefully coexist with these Leviathans, but let's all be honest with ourselves here, when have humans ever peacefully coexisted with anything. The more we deep-sea fish and trawl, the greater chance that we disturb something, which shouldn't be disturbed. What if it decides to fight back? You may argue that such a creature cannot survive closer to the surface, and certainly cannot become land-born. Perhaps you are correct. But I think, nay, tis best not to aggravate Mother Nature. She'll find a way of messing you up.

Why is everyone so obsessed with looking at the sky as the dangerous, alien frontier? We should be much more concerned at what's going on within the waters! Mulder was looking the wrong way!

But brave citizens of Earth, do not despair! Panic is not recommended in this situation. I do suggest a very immediate cessation of deep-sea trawling in unexplored locations. That coast of South America should be avoided at all costs. Bear in mind IT MAY BE TOO LATE. For further protection, I recommend discontinuance of long-term oceanic travel. Sailors and fishermen should be on high alert. I strongly urge all cruise-takers to remain on land for your vacations. It's not worth it!

Most important of all, stay strong humanity! United, we may face unspeakable aquatic dangers together. YOU ARE THE FUTURE, BIPEDS! GOOD LUCK!

Monday, March 17, 2008

The BA Meetings Would Involve Watching Tons of Discovery Channel and Discussing Literature.

Since it's a busy day at work, I'm being extra super-productive, which means that I get to update my blog. Don't question it; it makes sense to me. Meanwhile, I think my coworker has been watching videos on Youtube for a few hours. We're actually kind of busy these days, ma'am. Anyway, here's a me update since the weekend.

  1. I really like the fact that these two people are good friends in real life. Observe: Adventures with Angela.
  2. Saint Patrick's Day is overrated. I can't believe people get excited over green beer. It was fun getting a pitcher of it for the kitsch value, but it's not something I would seriously crave. Seriously, it's just Miller Lite with food coloring in it. Also, if anyone even thinks about pinching me today, for not wearing green, I will go all sexual harassment on them. Even if he/she/it pinches me on the bicep. Not that I actually think anyone will pinch me. Do people actually still do that? I have vague memories of being pinched as a child.
  3. I think the only part of Top Model that I like is the theme song. I watched a few episodes of a marathon yesterday, and couldn't really find many other redeeming values. I especially like the intro when Tyra asks me if I "wanna be on top?" Oh, stop it, you pervs. It just works well with the music. Other than that, eh. I don't really like the fact that the way the show is laid out, it's more of a showcase for Tyra, who manages to upstage all the girls whenever possible. Also, the judging is a little ridiculous. I guess I'm just used to Heidi's collected, German calm, as opposed to Tyra's crazy lady, Mama Tyra shtick. Also, I don't like how she's trying to become a new Oprah. There can be only one Oprah, lady. Having said that, I will admit that Top Model is a much better show than Bravo's Make Me a Supermodel, which used to be a little fun, but now just makes me really want-to-throw-anything-within-reach-at-the-TV-angry (yet, because of the Bravo Curse I have to watch these episodes at least once).
  4. This is the Make Me a Supermodel rant. I hate the fact that America gets to choose who to make into a "supermodel." That's so idiotic. Plus, the Bravo audience is a little uneven, don't ya think? That explains why, at one point, there were five guys over two girls. I mean, come on. Some of the girls voted off were much more talented than the guys they were against. And now, this week, I can't help but think that another extremely talented girl (this is her first time on the bottom) will get voted off, because she's opposite a fan favorite, Ronnie-the openly gay one, who has been see-sawing between incredible and lackluster. But I pretty much think that the last girl, Holly, is unstoppable, and she could win the whole thing. Also, Ben should've been home weeks ago--even the judges were surprised. And the amount of misogyny that the guys display towards the girls is sickening. I suddenly remember why I hate most guys that age. They are ALL TURNING INTO SUCH ENORMOUS JERKS. Do they not understand that people should not act that way in front of cameras, or you know, in life? My former liking of Perry has completely gone away. Narcissistic jerk. And I wanted to kill that one guy at a party, who criticized the girls' personalities when they worked the room, by saying "I don't want to admire you; I wanna, you know, sleep with you." For people who think that real misogyny doesn't still exist, I present this as Exhibit A. God. Okay, rant over--I think I'm raising my blood pressure too much for a Monday.
  5. Now, a happy thought. Sweet potato pancakes are good. I approve.

I didn't really mean for this to turn into a TV model rant. I guess it's been a long time coming. And I promise to cut back on my talking about Bravo TV shows; I'm even starting to annoy myself, so I can't even imagine what it's like for ya'll. As of this moment, I will try to wean myself off of Bravo. This could prove to be difficult. I may get the shakes. But, the first step towards recovery is admitting you have a problem, so here goes:

"Umm, my name is Cristina, and I'm a Bravo-holic."

And now I will leave ya'll with something wonderful and non-Bravo related. And, yes, that was Elmo.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

God, They're Just Muppets! Get Over It!

Okay, at the risk of sounding like Joan Rivers: uptight people of the world, can we talk?

Now, what I want to talk about today has been gradually building for many years now. It started innocuously enough, but at this point it's ridiculous. I am, of course, referring to the revamping of children's television to be more politically correct. The worst offender is Sesame Street.

The first change was Snuffleupagus' change from Big Bird's imaginary friend, to a regular cast member, whom everyone can see. Because, kids, if you have an imaginary friend, you are crazy. Imagination is only for crazy people. Today's show was brought to you by the letter S for Seroquel.

But that was relatively mild. Later changes were much more egregious. Like, for instance, The Cookie Monster does not eat cookies anymore. Because they are too unhealthy. Cookies are a "sometimes food." Let me make this perfectly clear: SESAME STREET DID NOT MAKE KIDS FAT AND NEITHER DID THE COOKIE MONSTER. This is where parenting comes into play. The whole point of the Cookie Monster is that he can't control himself. He needs COOKIES. All the time. That's the gag. Children are almost supposed to say "Oh C. Mon, you need to chill out about those cookies." I THINK THAT KIDS GET IT! Also, I just found out that they discontinued his narration of Monsterpiece Theater, one of my favorite Sesame Street sketches in the world, because Alistair Cookie (below)

was a bad role model for kids, due to the fact that he smoked a pipe. What?

Now, the biggest and most well known one. Bert and Ernie. This is even more ridiculous than the whole Tinky Winky scandal from nearly ten years ago. You know, maybe it is time to have gay muppets. They can have a special coming out episode, which would really make Jerry Falwell turn in his grave. I think it's a great idea.
Now, why can't Sesame Street be more like McDonalds. (I can't believe I just said that.)
Because this guy:

should be no less controversial than two guys bunking together. HE PROMOTES KLEPTOMANIA. SERIOUSLY GUYS, WHICH IS WORSE?

And, as opposed to the Cookie Monster fakeout, McDonald's is actually the cause of many children's obesity issues. I guess that's why they can afford to have more interesting, quirky characters. Remember Mayor McCheese?

(Wow, that picture's creepy. I just put it up here to share the creepiness. Be thankful I didn't upload Ronald. How did I never have nightmares as a child?)
I guess the point I'm trying to make is please don't gut my childhood. I'm not saying that Sesame Street should turn into McDonalds, only that they shouldn't try so hard to please everyone. What's most insulting is the implication that my generation got totally screwed up over the non-pc aspects of Sesame Street. I really don't think we're that bad; well, not because of Sesame Street, at least.
Just like I have fond memories of playing in the McDonald's Playland with such lovable (or, you know, creepy) characters like Grimace, I want to keep my memories of the Cookie Monster devouring a whole plate of cookies before my disbelieving eyes, and not having to think about if Bert and Ernie are currently having a lover's quarrel.
God, America, I'm through with you.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bravo is Visual Crack

Seriously, I can't stop watching Bravo. I've watched some episodes of this last season of Project Runway, like, ten times. Now, I'm relaxing with a glass of Ice Wine, watching the first episode of Top Chef: Chicago. Yay Chicago! I knew when they met in a Chicago pizzaria, the Quickfire would be making Chicago-style pizza. I'm really looking forward to their highlighting what an awesome food city Chicago is. Perhaps I'll get some good ideas regarding restaurants, for future food trips.

A few thoughts as I watch the episode:

-Lesbian couple? That's a power culinary couple, if both of them can make it onto Top Chef.
-That sweet tea reduction. Awesome. Just awesome.
-Once again, they have really swanky living quarters.
-God, I missed the Top Chef music! And the knife block! Cooking seems so hardcore!
-Head-to-head cooking challenge and mayonnaise drama!
-Now, I feel so accomplished, because I've made a successful souffle that didn't fall, and all these chefs are freaking out about it. I guess that they have to make them from memory, and in under 90 minutes.
-I read an interview where they said the grocery store was the Whole Foods on Halsted. I've totally shopped there. Omigod, I'm almost a celebrity.
-I think I like Andrew already. He seems like he'll be the CJ of this season.
-In the commercial break: Diane von Furstenburg is kinda fabulous, isn't she?
-All-star judging panel! Oh, Anthony Bourdain, I missed you. But not enough to watch your show.
-Yay chef from Chicago! I have to admit that her take on duck a l'orange looked amazing.
-I knew it would be Nimma, who would "pack her knives and go." It's a shame, but she didn't look like she could hack it. The first one to leave is always so sad, because you never find out how good a chef she really is.

Next week:

Chef drama! Lincoln Park Zoo? Why didn't I ever hear about Top Chef events? See ya'll next time!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Next, Sondheim Will Make a Musical Based on Sartre's "Nausea"

I just finished reading Jose Saramago's Blindness a few days ago. It's an incredibly good book, even though it's not really the best light reading for the morning commute. The premise is that a pandemic of "white blindness" hits an unnamed country. Soon, the whole country is affected by this blindness, and the living conditions take a downward plummet. Only one woman is not afflicted by the blindness, and she remains the only person to see the horror of this new existence. The affected people soon start testing the limits of human nature and behaviors that set humans apart from animals. It's a very disturbing, but enlightening read. Once I read about how people were living in their own waste, and exchanging sexual favors (bordering more on gang rape than anything else) for access to small portions of food, I was a little jealous of the yuppies on the 135 reading things like The Redeye and Candace Bushnell's books. I'm not sure how I feel about being nauseated before I get to work. My nausea hour usually happens at around 2 PM.

As is tradition with everything else in my life, I refuse to believe the book actually exists, until I look it up on Wikipedia. I learned that this book is currently being made into a movie, starring Julianne Moore and Mark Ruffalo. What, uh, fun? Now, I don't know about ya'll, but my idea of a great time at the movies is watching all different types of people trying to survive in horrific conditions. Yeah, I really want to watch an old, blind lady eat a rabbit raw, because she can't cook it. It will be so nice to see people sleeping in their own, ahem, waste, and killing each other over the last food left in an abandoned supermarket. It's not that I don't think this is a statement that should be made. I loved the book, and I'm looking forward to reading another one of his. This is a very provocative story, but I think that bringing it to the big screen will inevitably gut it. It can't be edgy enough, out of the pure "ick" factor; however, if it does "go there," the movie will end up getting the dreaded NC-17 rating. I know this is the case with most books, which get made into movies, but this story is meant to be that visually and mentally disturbing. I don't know--I really hope it's at least directed well.

Now, I'm on to a lighthearted romp in a Jasper Fforde book. It's weird not to feel bad about myself and my fellow man on my morning commute. Maybe next, I'll read Thus Spoke Zarathustra.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Toys-R-Us Kid

"I don't wanna grow up, I'm a" oh, you know the rest. I think I've made my point.

I never really was a Toys-R-Us kid. I never actually shopped there when I was younger. It was always Target for all my toy needs. But that's beside the point. I'm trying to come to terms with the horrible fact that I've entered the "grown up" world.

Terrifying, right? I guess the more apathetic I am about my job, and the more ridiculous things I buy with my paychecks, the more I am trying to fight giving in to this. God, I have a 401k. That's, like, one of the most grown-up things I can think of. But attitude is everything, right? That's why fifty-year old men buy sports cars and run away with their secretaries, or sorry, their administrative assistants. Their attitude instantly makes them twenty-five again. Right?

When I was younger I saw adulthood in different ways. First, adults ALWAYS had around 20-30 keys on really cool novelty keychains. Often several novelty keychains and functional key fobs. Also, electronic key fobs for unlocking the doors of their cool SUVs. I always thought I'd be an adult when I had lots of keys, and a comparable number of keychains. So, let's see. Key count: 6 (decent). Key fob/chain count: 6. One is a little flashlight! Okay, so that's a pretty decent number. I don't have a car, so that automatically makes me a little less mature (Although the CTA card evens it out a bit.) I suppose I always thought the most grown-up people were janitors and landlords. Moving on.

Another measure of adulthood for me was knowing how to pick out food at a grocery store. How can a person tell whether or not that avocado is ripe? Which percentage of leanness of ground beef is right, so I can make that really good cheeseburger? And, what the hell is bouillon? I now know the answers to these and many more puzzling grocery problems. I'm not a food shopping grand-master just yet, but I'm working on it. I can cook. In my mind, this is an enormous step towards becoming an adult. When I was a kid, I knew how to bake chocolate chip cookies and (weirdly enough) make fried eggs and toast. Let's not even talk about frying bacon. I was so afraid of that as a kid, and now I realize that a slice of bacon takes roughly two minutes to cook. You don't even get horribly disfigured with burns, the way I thought you would. Cooking is much less of an adventure than I thought it would be. I guess the grownup thing for me is getting to eat food, exactly the way I want to. No more meatloaf or Miracle Whip! I'm in control now! Also, owning things like a cheese grater and food processor. And using them. Very grown up.

I guess the obvious one is getting to do what I want, when I want to. More in the sense of getting to buy whatever little thing I want to, whenever I want to. If I want that ice cream sundae, I don't have to ask for permission anymore. I may give myself guilt trips, but I'm still impulsive about buying little things like that. This works for random books from Borders as well, since I just bought myself The Fug Awards on Saturday. Obviously, I'm not looking to buy Rolex watches and Persian rugs. But, hey, ten-year old me wasn't either.

So, by my criteria of successful adulthood, I'm here. I should be happy with the freedom to do what I want (within reason) with my money. And, clearly, I am taking advantage of fewer financial constraints.

So, why do I just want to go back to the time when all I wanted was to play with toys under the covers? Those days of yore, when I used to play with my troll dolls and glow-worms, making them into a freakish, glowing family, where that one glow-worm would get banished from the settlement over something trivial, until he would rescue them all from CERTAIN DOOM, because he unraveled an insidious plot by my Ken doll, who had been brainwashed by Shredder. Then that brave glow-worm was touted as a great hero, and fed the finest Goldfish and Hi-C in all the land.

On second thought, never mind. This quarter life crisis isn't that abnormal. Who wouldn't want to go back to those days? Seriously.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Just Kidding

Oh, Project Runway, I wish I knew how to quit you.

But this is AWESOME. She comes off as a little bitter, but that's probably because she was just aufed and still angry. Honestly, she makes good points.

Am I Creepy?

First, I didn't expect backlash from the last blog post that I wrote, but I got it. It's been settled by now, but I didn't expect that my opinions here would cause drama. Apparently blogs=power. Awesome. Let me just take this opportunity to say that I didn't totally sell out my ideas on PR--I still would've much preferred Jillian for the win. I thought her collection was very detailed, showed the most range (unlike the other two, innovative as hell), and was incredibly wearable (unlike Christian's). I really liked her aesthetic the most. In the past, these factors are mainly how the judges critiqued finale collections, and I feel that none of them were addressed AT ALL this season. I also didn't like how she was summarily dismissed with just Heidi's "you're out," when other designers, in the past, got more encouraging words. Whatever, she'll be fine. Most of the runners-up tend to do better than those who won in past seasons. I hope to buy one of her coats in the future. I just understood why they gave it to Christian (who seemed to be pegged for the win from nearly the beginning). That is all. THE END ON PROJECT RUNWAY.


Back to the title of the post--am I creepy? I mean, not really, purely creepy. I'm not really a stalker. I don't watch people in the bushes, while wearing dark glasses and a trench coat. YET. But I kinda do the internet version from time to time. I like to read the personal blogs of people that I've never met. Not really random strangers, but rather people who have blogs that I often frequent. Especially these girls, Heather and Jessica. I love the website Go Fug Yourself, not necessarily because I'm big into gossiping about celebrities. I'm not. It's mainly for the INCREDIBLY creative writing, and snarky attitudes. Snark goes a long way with me. And it's good snark, about why celebrities shouldn't go on the red carpet wearing, like, a hefty bag and fuchsia Crocs. I even plan on buying their new book, probably today.

Now I wouldn't be creepy if I stopped there. But I've gotten into the habit of reading their personal blogs. Even I can't help but think that's an invasion. Now, obviously, they made the addresses available to their "fans," and probably don't mind random people they've never even seen before checking out their personal stories. They seem to encourage it, in a way. It still feels a little weird. I mean, they're not celebrities, or people with glamorous lives. They're just regular working stiffs, with clever writing skills. Why should I want to know what's going on with their lives?

They were former recappers on TWoP (which, I think I've realized, is probably the most ideal job for me EVER), and they did that interview with one of the founders, which I've linked to above. That interview made me realize that in an alternate universe, we could've been friends. We agree on many things! They like the same shows I do, have the same attitude towards life, and also want Jillian (the other Jillian) as their trainer.

I guess that part of the reason is I feel like I want to be them. I guess it stands to reason that I'm interested in personalities similar to mine, who seem to be making it in the world. I am, after all, going through a pretty standard quarter-life crisis right now. I guess it's not so creepy, when I think about it like that. I'd actually be rather complimented that people cared enough to blog-stalk me. This clearly means that I need to start doing interesting things, so other people will care enough to read this.

ahem-Next time on Apartment 902(10?)

Next week, come here to hear about my war of attrition with Apartment 901, and their mangy cur--a chihuahua, what drove my credit cards to stage an intervention over the new man in my life--Joel, and how my television began having a torrid love affair with my microwave. What will the blender say?!? Scandelous!


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Please Tell Me I'm Not the Only One Who Sees It!

I just noticed, as this last episode of Project Runway was airing, the striking similarity between recent seasons of Bravo Reality TV shows.

I mean, come on:

The cocky young upstart, who is really fast and amazingly good, wins the show, surprising nobody. Now, let me say that I think Christian totally deserved this win. When asked to put on a show, he put on A SHOW. And, although the clothes weren't exactly my taste, and some of them seemed too costumey, he went couture and drama where the other two focused more on details and ready-to-wear. And honestly, I love the little dude. He really won me over, because it's become so obvious that all the bravado is just a front. My heart really melted when he started sobbing on the runway. He was so terrified and excited when he realized that he was in the final two, and that's adorable. Congratulations Christian, if only for the fact that you made Posh smile! Fierce!

As with Top Chef, my favorite of the season is once again a woman, and once again relegated to third place. Hmm. Maybe I'm a little biased towards women? Okay, fine! I admit it! I was also wrong; I totally thought it would come down between Jillian and Christian. And, honestly, before I saw the episode, I thought it would be a rehash of Season 2, with Jillian as the Chloe and Christian as the Daniel. Rami really brought it!

I tried to make a Dale/Rami comparison, but the two aren't really similar enough. I guess they were both strong competitors, who overtook previously stronger candidates by their finale presentations. By the way, did you know that Jack from PR is dating Dale from Top Chef? Bravo incest!

So, yeah that was a good finale. Now, I'm getting excited for the new Top Chef. This new season will probably culminate in my making, like, a five-course meal in my wee little dwarf kitchen, instead of playing make-believe in the Armani boutique.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Shiny Happy People Holding Hands

Okay, clearly that last post had to go. This is mainly because I didn't want to reread it, and its presence changed the tone of this blog drastically. If you never read it, just ask me what the deal is, and I promise you'll get my hilarious reenactment of the excruciating scenario. But now we're back to frivolous things. As it should be.

Here's a woefully incomplete list of relatively mundane things, which make me happy:

-walking with the perfect cadence through the streets of Chicago, so I don't have to stop or even slow down through any lights.
-those first 15 minutes after a good workout.
-the state of my quads after said workout.
-finding auburn hairs in my regular sheddings in my hairbrush.
-eating a wonderfully greasy cheeseburger after a week of sensible sandwiches.
-making the best greasy cheeseburger EVER. (it has olive oil-sauteed, minced garlic inside, grated cheddar on top, on toasted bread with dill mayonnaise! A gourmet artery-clogger!)
-waking up early enough to make coffee.
-that adorable gay man in my building, whom I always see walking his dogs.
-also, actually having a rapport with nice people in my building.
-looking at what all the yuppies are reading during the morning bus rides.
-finding well-adjusted, intelligent folks.
-remembering to take my vitamins.
-getting to say things like "oh, I can't. I have to see my personal trainer tomorrow."
-finale of PR tonight & the upcoming Top Chef: Chicago.
-This Guy is playing This Guy in the upcoming Wolverine movie. Don't know if he can act. Strangely enough, don't think I care.
-the Signature Salad at Cosi. Perfection in a plastic bowl.
-this article: Who Says Women Aren't Funny?
-ANYTHING involving Kermit the Frog.
-especially this.
-that time Joel called me a "badass"
-noticing that I am using the word "yikes" an awful lot these days.
-remember the Yikes! pencil brand?
-Bin 36
-Hollywood nerds.
-that last scene of the most recent episode of Lost where Desmond and Penny finally got to have a heart-breakingly endearing conversation.
-this game.
-60 degree weather.
-whenever movie directors personalize the production logo of the film company in the beginning of the movie.

That is all.