1. In the latest training session, after being told to do some sadistic rowing exercises, which involved me gripping a very rough rope and pulling on weights which threatened very seriously to fling me forwards:
Wimpy me: But my hands are so soft and delicate!
Sadistic Joel: Mwahahahaha! Not anymore!
Also, I think he's going to have me do actual pullups soon. Way too soon for my liking. He's very excited about this. I'm slightly concerned that I will dislocate both of my shoulders. At the same time. Then fall on my head. And put my eye out on the corner of the stool. And then for no other reason than its not wanting to miss out on the fun, my left knee will dislocate as well. You just wait; it'll happen.
2. My coffee has now officially been likened to a hard drug. Is anyone surprised?
3. THEOFFICETHEOFFICETHEOFFICETHEOFFICETHEOFFICE! SOON! Stay tuned! I'm very excited about this, because it means that I can further wean myself off of reality TV now that quality television programs are coming back on the air. And, my TV will not always be on Bravo. Fantastic.
4. What's a better name for a Bond villain--Ivan Dragovich or Simon Cunningham III? On the one hand, Ivan Dragovich sounds scarier. And Russian. Like a scary Russian. But, Simon Cunningham III sounds much more like a person with good breeding, and probably lots of money. I actually think it's creepier for a serious villain to have a wimpy, yuppie sounding name, because he has to prove otherwise. I think I'm leaning towards Simon. Hmm. Discuss.
5. I think I've officially realized that I'm obsessed with crime. That sounds horrible, doesn't it? I've always liked movies and TV shows that unrealistically glamorize crime, and even those that REALLY don't. I like TV shows and movies that involve solving of crimes, e.g. Law & Order. I realize that it's not weird to be interested in crime, but some of my favorite shows involve criminals. It's interesting and horrifying, how people can live like that. I mean, not enough for me to actually give it a try myself. I'd be a terrible criminal, especially with the serious moral code and sense of justice that I've got. But I'm begrudgingly impressed with con artists and the like. Is there ever any doubt that some of my favorite flashback episodes of Lost are Sawyer's? Or my love of The Riches, only partially because Eddie Izzard is one of the leads? I also (used to) read creepy books about serial killers, almost to try to understand how people can end up that twisted. I honestly think I could face that kind of evil, with the appropriate training and resources. My mind is a creepy place, people. I've never said otherwise. I guess I can handle seeing the dark side of humanity when it comes to the TV. Now, in a dark alley tonight. Not so much. I hope this sheds some light as to why I'M SO PARANOID! I should never have read all those books by top FBI profiler John E. Douglas! But my desire to be exposed to this world (on the other side) is the primary reason why I still haven't given up on my dreams of the FBI. Damn, I still want to be Agent Scully, no matter how ridiculous it is!
6. Should I make flan tonight? And will that interfere with gym time? Decisions decisions.
Thanks for listening! I'll try to think up a better post soon.
1 comment:
yay for The Riches! Although I also started it watching it for Eddie Izzard. And Minnie Driver, who I think is fabulous. I've only watched the first 3 episodes or so, but I've quite enjoyed what I've seen.
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