Thursday, January 1, 2009


Isn't that what these people are supposed to say at the beginning of the year? Did I make that up?

Anyway, Happy New Year to all. I hope everyone's night was eventful or at least comfortable.

Since yesterday's blog was about the trends of 2008, today I'm going to do the more traditional New Years Resolutions. And share them with you all, my loyal followers. Um, friends. I meant friends. After a review of what 2008 was all about, I realized it was about me having fun in the now. I basically just used my resources from my job and had fun with them. Got life companions in the felines. Spent way too much on nice food and DVDs and video games. I kept my life on ice, and got that fun tingly feeling from the freezing. Maybe I went a little too far with that metaphor.

Since that was the theme for '08, I've since decided that 2009 will be all about going out of my comfort zone. Instead of leisure, it will be about productivity. Instead of excess, it will be about refining myself. The projects that were begun in 2008 will be finished in 2009. And without further ado, I now present....

The Mighty List

1. To get it out of the way, the obligatory "lost weight and get in shape." Unlike regular resolutions, such as "run every single day" or "diet until I AM SKINNY," I will not phrase this in such a way that I completely ruin it the second I don't fulfill a ridiculous objective. However, I will take advantage of the gym better than in '08. Since Joel is no longer employed by the FFC, I have no excuse to wait for his sessions. I am my own Joel now. I can do it, especially since I've done it before. I just need to remind myself that I actually do like running. And I am already paving the way towards eating better. Today I put part of my bonus to good use and Peapoded it for the VERY FIRST TIME. So much nicer than hauling everything from the store. And I bought a larger quantity of healthier foods, since the normal supermarket temptation wasn't there. I'm very excited to make more split pea soup. And Tortilla Espanola from my new Tapas cookbook! Yay!

2. I will finish what I've started. I WILL FINISH WHAT I'VE STARTED. In many ways, this is the most important of my resolutions. Be it the ISIS puzzle sitting on my coffee table, the book sitting on my computer, or the life plan sitting in my head--I WILL FINISH IN 2009. This is probably one of my worst habits. The whole getting really excited about an idea and never really going through with it. Well, in this year of discomfort, I WILL. Look out, insanely hard puzzle. I will end you.

3. Be more social. I mean, I already got started with this in 2008, but I'm still clinging onto my socially awkward/antisocial ways. I've decided to start hosting more in my wee little apartment. I mean, I've got a great TV and DVD collection, so why don't I have more people over? Also, I've decided to take more chances in going out with people. I will be more spontaneous and try to go out more with new friends. I will smile more at people and strike up more conversations with strangers. I will say things that I'll instantly feel embarrassed about and regret, since those things are often the ones worth saying. I want more butterflies in my stomach.

4. Cook more and more adventurous foods! If I choose to keep up with this Peapod thing, I will definitely be more healthy/cheaper in my food options. I think I'll buy more pans and stuff this weekend. Every week a new recipe! I think that's an easy enough one to keep. Maybe I'll try to make Black Eyed Peas this weekend! For luck! (It's a Southern thing)

5. Lastly, keep in better touch with people. Call old acquaintances more regularly. Go back to Texas more frequently. I really need to be a better friend and a better person where that stuff is concerned. If I've slighted anyone (who reads this, that is), I sincerely apologize. And the excuse that I went to U of C starts to get old, now years after the fact.

6. Jump out of a plane. I'm not even kidding.

I've actually given some thought to doing a much more comprehensive 101 in 1001 list, so if I do that, I'll certainly post it here. Shit's gonna happen, yo.


Anonymous said...

#2 better include trying out for roller derby in Feb, stin! That would also help with #1 and #3, and perhaps #6 even. Those bitches are crazy, after all. ARE YOU READY? I AM READY!

(And by ready, I mean not at all ready, but that I have set a goal for myself to get to a roller rink sometime over the next week. Care to join?)


Cristina said...

Okay! I'm still fine with this plan, Laura! Let me know.

Eric said...

Ooh, resolutions! My fitness resolution that I actually already started last year is to run more. I secretly want to get up to half-marathon or at least 10K distances this summer.

Anonymous said...

I support all of these, but especially #3. I am now going to say "remember your NY resolution!" when you don't feel like coming out. Be ready for that.