Friday, September 12, 2008

Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

Why I love The Office Woo! September 25th for the premiere! Excitement!

I still can't figure out how to embed videos from youtube in my blog posts. It's incredibly frustrating, as this post would've been much cooler if it were the actual video. Bah.

Oh, and I think I've spoiled myself as to who I think will win Project Runway this season. Since Twitter is the new thing that all the cool kids are doing these days, the guys at Project Rungay have been twittering from the Bryant Park runway show. Although, I thought I knew last season too, and changed my mind when I actually saw the episode. Maybe technology isn't the greatest thing in the world after all. I should just shut up and watch the damn show, shouldn't I?

Also, I love A Softer World. I always end up forgetting about it for the longest time, but then remember randomly, and have a wonderful time catching up in the archive. Twisted humor/touching moments at their very best.

Have a good weekend, y'all.

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