Friday, April 4, 2008

You Must Have This Much of a Sense of Humor to Read this Blog

Or, you know, know me. Whatev. (Nota bene: I have never kicked a dog, nor will I ever kick a dog. Nor a cat. Not even a pigeon. I'm just not that kind of person; and yes, I have owned and loved MANY pets in my life with many different temperaments and dispositions, so I think I can handle it. I will, however, kick a human. GLADLY. FYI.)

Okay, that's over. I am very appreciative of everyone's enthusiasm, advice, and support regarding this matter--I have decided to get a cat, and I feel that it will perfectly compliment my lifestyle. So this weekend I shall head to the pound and pick out a lifemate. I will try to avoid giving him/her an overtly geeky name, but you never know with me. I'm not really sure what materials I need to bring with me, and I'll clear it with my landlady beforehand, although she'll hardly mind. I guess on Saturday I'll go to Petsmart, and prepare for the cat's arrival, by picking up a litter box, litter, food, bowls, and fun toys. This is going to be a good weekend.

Hmm...what else? My quarter-life crisis is coming to a close. I'm ending up where I began again, and have started furiously working out and checking USAJobs daily. Guess what I've decided to do again! Anyway, I'm excited, and am glad that my life seems more on track. Am thinking of using some contacts that I completely forgot about until a couple of days ago. Get excited, people! I mean, I assume you're all thrilled hearing about my vacillations of career choices already.

I am so excited that the damn supermodel show is finally over. I was doing a grueling running session last night while watching the finale, so I couldn't yell at the TV without the entire gym thinking I'm nuts. But can I just say: YAY HOLLY! AMERICA (Well, Bravo audiences) CHOSE WELL! I'm a little amazed, but she really was the best choice. By far. Even though "supermodel" is a little bit of a stretch, wouldn't you say?

Mastercard: What did I tell you about McDonald's?
Mastercard: You better drag your ass to the gym is all. Macy's won't stop bitching about getting new clothes, so you better do something about that.
Cristina's Brain: I'll go tonight, but it does close early on Fridays....
Mastercard: Don't even try to get out of it. I'll wake up CTA, and he KNOW'S EVERYTHING ABOUT WHERE YOU'RE GOING AND WHAT YOU'RE DOING. I will rain down fire and brimstone on you if you skip out to take the 146 downtown to get Ghirardelli's.
Cristina's Brain: Yes, sir.

In other news, Krav Maga? Thoughts? I think it would be a very good idea for me to learn this.

Happy Friday! I will keep all of you updated on the cat front as soon as I make headway.

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