I could totally handle being the Mother of the Future. How awesome would that be? Seriously! I wouldn't have to have a real job, since surviving seems to be a job in and of itself. I'd get to kick lots of ass and take a few names. I'd have a reputation in the future for being the most bad-ass mother in the world. And not to mention, have this guy fall madly in love with me (well for a couple hours before he dies horribly at the hands of The Governator):

So yeah, okay, that probably means that I'll have to actually give birth to a child. But that child will totally be the messiah! Cyborgs from the future will come back in time to protect us, while others try to kill us. It's a stressful life, but it'll at least be interesting! I'd probably get to fire an Uzi!
I mean, Sarah Connor is one badass woman. Linda Hamilton played her damn well, and now Lena Headey is doing a great job as well. I like the new Sarah Connor Chronicles, because the show offers the same tone as the movies, and actual depth of both performance and writing. The plots are pretty cool, and hopefully the show can maintain this level of "what the hell is going on" with a realistic spin on this universe. And I really hope that they manage to bring Kyle Reese (see above) back in some way. Not to mention that this is the new, good Terminator:

Some of you should know her as River Tam on Firefly, an amazing little show by Joss Whedon. For those of you who don't know it, well, she's pretty badass. Trust me, she can pull off playing a Terminator.
I forgot how cool the Terminator was. I recently rewatched T2, and I remembered why this is one of the most important science fiction movies ever made. This was one of the first impressive man vs. machines, against Artificial Intelligence statements. The Matrix owes a lot to The Terminator. And as I watched T2, I realized that I've only seen the original once or twice. So I rented the first one, and watched it as well. I forgot how awesome it was! It's basically a love story between Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor, with a giant killer cyborg as the antagonist! I love me a good romance. And it's so 80s! The hair, the clothes, the music. OH GOD, the Terminator love theme is awesome! Synthesizers galore!
So yeah, Mother of the Future. Where can I sign up? If only the Resistance recruited through Craigslist--I'm totally ready to fight the machines.
whoa, i didn't know River was in that show. Hot. I've tried to watch it a couple times but I've always gone in right in the middle of something confusing. I should probably just download or DVR it and watch it from the beginning
so i've really been wanting to watch sarah connor chronicles because of the awesomeness of river, but, haven't been because...I'd never seen any of the terminator movies!!!! however, by chance keith inherited several videos a few months ago, which providentially included T1 and 2. so i just watched them this week, and cannot believe i'd never seen them them before. they are amazing. and sarah connor is awesome and i can totally see why you would want to be her. i mean come on...the scene at the asylum??? hott. now i can't wait to watch the show.
p.s. i'm amused by how you referred to Firefly as "an amazing little show."
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